Fri 08 April 2011 | tags: Cap Plan, Comparison, Exetel, iinet, Mobile, Optus, Pennytel, Phone, Post Paid, Pre Paid, Provider, Telstra, Virgin, voip, -- (permalink)

With so many options, so many plans, it's hard to know if we are being ripped off or getting a good deal. Then bring in VoIP, and things get even trickier.

For the sake of this research, I was looking for a mobile phone plan, prepaid or post paid, that …

Fri 29 October 2010 | tags: asterisk, bridge, callback, sip, sip to sip, voip, voip to voip, webcallback, -- (permalink)

Call it what you like. Sip to Sip, VoIP to VoIP, VoIP Bridge, Callback, Webcallback. The idea is to have a server somewhere call two SIP(VoIP) devices and connect the 2 calls together.

What's the point of it? Maybe you are stuck somewhere with a phone that only accepts …

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